Designing a themed garden or themed garden bed for the home can be an inspiring and practical way to plan a landscape. It can also be a fun way to showcase personal interests or get others involved in the garden! Here are our top tips for designing a theme garden and 5 inspiring garden themes that will work well for many gardeners.
Designing an Inspiring Garden Theme
When choosing a theme for the garden, it is recommended to consider the style of the home, the climate, and any personal interests. If the home is a Victorian mansion, for example, a tropical or Japanese style garden may look out of place.
When creating a garden design idea, consider interests and ways in which the garden could be used. Someone interested in creating a more sustainable garden might choose to create a rain garden or wildflower pollinator garden. A gardening enthusiast might create a curated species garden such as an iris garden or rose garden. One might also try a monochromatic garden, moon garden, or even a fun fairy garden to get children involved in gardening. The possibilities are endless! See below for our top 5 favorite garden themes that are designed to be practical and unique home garden themes.
1. An Herb Garden
For chefs, tea drinkers, and others, a herb garden is a great way to have fresh and beautiful herbs at the ready. You can even create a sub-theme such as an apothecary garden, tea garden, spa garden, or pizza garden. Look for herbs that last year round and do well in your area.
2. A Fragrance Garden
One can grow scented plants to engage children in the garden, use dried in sachets, or simply enjoy as a pest repellent or on their own. There are so many different types of jasmines, gardenias, and other scented plants that are super easy to care for.
3. An Asian Inspired Garden
Chinese and Japanese gardens are beautiful serene works of art. Use rocks as focal points, evergreen bushes, and certain sculptural trees to create the gorgeous effect of an Asian garden.
4. A Cutting Flower Garden
Plant flowers to host pollinators but also to use and enjoy inside the house in flower arrangements. One can plant a cutting garden from seed or use transplants. Be sure to plan for flowers that bloom at different times to ensure a year-round supply of flowers.
5. A Tropical Garden
Most often used around decks and pools, a tropical garden is perfect for our southeastern Louisiana area. Tropical plants are wonderful for creating a lush landscape and providing lots of color.
For those looking to landscape their garden or a garden bed, consider choosing a theme garden for a unique and inspiring way to get connected to the garden!