Use Edible Flowers This Spring!
Using flowers is an amazing, natural way to decorate and use up the last of those winter annuals! Here we give you some of our favorite ideas on how to use edible flowers. Read below to see a list of some great edible flowers.
Here is a list of some great edible flowers to use in salads, to decorate cakes, garnish cocktails, or use on your table:
• Borage
• Calendula
• Lavender
• Nasturtiums
• Pansies
• Roses
• Violas
For cooking and baking, we like to use calendula and lavender as they have flavors to add to your cooking. For salads, we love nasturtiums, pansies and borage as they have a grassier, mintier flavor that lends well to salads.
Use them for decorating! We hope you find some wonderful ways to use those flowers growing in your backyard and around your markets.
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